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As part of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act, the Serious Violence Duty was introduced in April 2022. With this Duty, key public bodies in every police force area are now required to produce and implement a strategy to work together to deal with serious violence. It affects police forces, local authorities, criminal justice agencies and health organisations.
In preparation for the roll out of the Duty, the Home Office commissioned Crest Advisory to provide local areas with support in implementing the new Duty.
Crest have designed and delivered three bespoke workshops to prepare local areas for implementation in a way that maximises possibilities afforded by the new Serious Violence Duty, to ensure that it has the intended impact.
Delivered February - March 2023, these workshops focus on three key themes:
Understanding the Serious Violence Duty: the roles and responsibilities of specified authorities, the public health approach to serious violence, and the different models for delivering the Duty
Evidence-gathering and data sharing: how to conduct an strategic needs assessment (SNA), understanding the kinds of data and analytical approaches, data sharing frameworks and developing local data sharing models and agreements
Developing an effective strategic response: using an SNA to develop a strategy, developing usable theories of change, monitoring progress, evaluating interventions.